Friday 6 December 2013

Giveaway (win) Google Nexus 5 16 GB

We are giving away free nexus 5 16 GB, all you have to do is answer simple questions and we will choose lucky winner. The contest will start from 7th December, 2013 and ends on 3rd January, 2014.
The winners will be chosen on 3rd January, 2014 and winners will be announced on 4th January, 2014.

The nexus 5 is a most hottest phone in current market, its performance and features will blow you off.
In India it costs around ₹ 28k-33k. Moreover it has Full hd display which can give ultra crisp screen.

                         STEPS TO WIN

Step 1 :- Subscribe

Enter your email address:

Step 2 :- Like

Step 3 :- Answer the questions.

Question 1 :- Which processor is used in Google Nexus 5?

Question 2 :- Nexus 5 running on which operating system?

Question 3 :- Write a short review about it in comments? (OPTIONAL)

Terms & conditions :-

1. Answers should be given in comments or on technouncle Facebook page here
2. Please provide your email address along with your answers , so that we can contact you.
3. The winner will be announced on technouncle official site on 4th January, 2014
4. All steps are compulsory.

Thank you everyone for participating :D
And the winner is " Priya sharma "

verification has been sent to you 

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Monday 26 August 2013

How to increase video resolution or quality

      Increase resolution or quality of a video

To increase the quality or resolution of a video is not a big deal, all you need is one software i.e video enhancer powered by It is the very light software which converts low resolution video into higher resolution. If you zoom in a video you will find a square shaped frame and blurry video, it can be improved by using video enhancer. In video enhancer each frame re-sizes by taking information from previous format or near by frames which results much clear video. There are more than 200 filters in it which works simultaneously which prevents wastage of time. Moreover all videos can be selected at a time, and processes one by one and obliviously, if you want much better quality you have give time to, there is option available in it speed vs time.

It can be used for various sensitive cases like police case or any personal case i.e it can be used for home purposes or official purposes. If you recorded something with low end device and you want to suspect something, then you can use video enhancer for it to get better resolution video.

Download :-

Download free (demo) :- here
Download from official website :- here

Follow the steps :-

1. Download video enhancer from the link

2. Install it

3. Browse file from input video file or you can multiple select with many files option

4. Adjust the speed or time

5. Select the output folder whatever you want

6. select the frame size whatever you want

7. Select the compression, it depends on your processor which do you have

8. Now start

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